A partnership approach

Our objective as private lender

Our objective as a private lender is to provide your clients with a stable source of funding at competitive terms and to provide a high-quality service.

A selective approach

As a private lender we prefer to cooperate with a limited number of high-quality intermediaries in order to ensure the optimisation of processes and to achieve the highest degree of efficiency, which is ultimately to the benefit of your clients.

A customer-centred business

In today’s environment a lot of opportunistic private lending exists which may disappear overnight when default rates start to increase. Negative press may lead to a chain-reaction with investors exiting the private lending market, affecting all marketplace finance platforms. This will introduce a new level of volatility to the funding market for small and medium-sized enterprises. Hence, it is our strong preference as a private lender to develop a portfolio of clients into whom we have a higher degree of insight, thereby minimising credit risk, which in turn allows us to offer more attractive terms and to stand by those clients in different economic environments. All of our principal decision takers have developed their successful careers in the financial industry by focusing on developing powerful customer relationships.

No auction model

Unlike peer-to-peer platforms or marketplace private lenders, we do not operate an auction model. A request for a bridging loan, commercial mortgage or development finance either meets our criteria or does not.  By abstaining from the auction model we provide you and your clients with a higher degree of security, efficiency and faster execution.

Pricing transparency

Our interest rates are matrix based and communicated to all our intermediaries. This allows you to search for the best solution with your clients without the need for extensive price negotiations.


We are a private lender that is open for business from 8 am to 8 pm and will work over weekends if the transaction demands it – we are there for you and your clients when you need us.

Asset specialists

We are a private lender that likes to work together with intermediaries who are specialists in the assets which we take as security.

Your advantages

We like to keep it straightforward and simple. As a private lender, we are more flexible and client-focused than most traditional banks. When you work with us, you will deal directly with the decision makers.  We like to keep red tape to an absolute minimum. Our extremely cost-efficient set-up allows us to pay competitive fees. Our flexibility and rapid turn-around times ensure we are very well positioned.